Miles Matis-Uzzo

Miles Matis-Uzzo is a Texas-based artist and person who communicates through sculpture, poetry, video, perfume, performance, and installation.


Project Space:
Dog House Contemporary

Miles Matis-Uzzo

Miles Matis-Uzzo is a Texas-based artist and superorganism who communicates through sculpture, poetry, video, perfume, performance, and installation.


Project Space: Dog House Contemporary

Lover’s Primordial Dissolve
Steel, pewter, ceramic, glass, thong, latex, bee’s wax, saliva, lava rock, light, perfume: Mercurial Bone
35” x 48” x 24”

Perfume Description: 
Mercurial Bone is a clumsy, warm, and bodily fragrance with notes of honey, wilted flowers, leather, sweat, blood, and damp earth. It contains the sex pheromone and Androstenone. 

Testosterone Tender Trap
Plywood, plaster, graphite, sawdust, adjustable chrome leg, ceramic, beeswax, pewter, 00:32 video loop
50” x 18” x 24”

Mirage Manifests Doom Destiny
2023An installation stemming from poetics generated from a journey through the landscape of Joshua Tree. With a multi-disciplinary approach, the sculptures, sound, and lighting orbit around Matis-Uzzo’s 2021 video release, Sunstone Slime Fault Line. Sunstone Slime Fault Line operates as a doorway into the ephemeral memory of the sculpture; disembodied hands bask on rocks and braid hair, a portal rides a horse, a hand flies over the landscape and sneaks up on a ponytail. As you approach the installation, the blond braid resurfaces in the material realm, out of the flimsy plywood, out of the tanning rock’s body. The braid becomes rope, an object to pull. Locked in place. The objects behave like artifacts of a fallen civilization, of a subconscious mind, as a way to reimagine our collective present and future.

Sublime Suntanner
Ceramic, hair, grow light, extension cord, plywood, wheels, vinyl
72" x 48" x 24"

Sunstone Slime Fault Line
Plywood, paper, aluminum, speaker, 3:52 video loop
35" x 48" x 54"

Acer’s Sweet Appendage
Carabiner, ceramic chain, meteorite, keychains, Truck Nutz
48" x 5" x 2"